Graduate school essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Favorite Season Essays
Most loved Season Essays Most loved Season Essays Most loved Season Essays Numerous understudies discover it somewhat hard to compose most loved season papers. From one side, most loved season article composing doesn't require broad exploration or the logical proof. From the opposite side, your paper should even now be written in understanding to scholarly principles, gain the consideration of the perusers, and be intriguing to peruse. The accompanying article tips may assist you with composing your preferred season expositions. Furthermore, remember to peruse tips on composing account papers and informative exposition. Most loved Season Essays Tips join various styles and types of sythesis: story, expressive sections, explanatory and enticing paper parts. composing most loved season papers, remember about the progression of thoughts. Subjection and exacting request in paper composing are basic: use interface words to guarantee change starting with one section then onto the next. You may utilize the accompanying words/phrases all through your exposition: one explanation, another, all in all, first, second/besides, in synopsis, above all else, third/thirdly, to put it plainly, for instance, another model, in any case, just as, to sum up, to begin with, too,to close, thus, furthermore, last/in conclusion, at last, and so on. Most loved Season Essays Structure Lets examine the principle parts offavorite season articles. Basic passage it might be a short story from your life that formed your inclination of the particular season Body - show who, what, where, and when. As it were, the principle body of your preferred season article ought to be point by point however much as could reasonably be expected. Nonetheless, remember about remaining concentrated on your point! Try not to make your exposition substantial with extreme portrayals. Finishing up passage end your exposition with a section where you underline the reasons why the particular season is your top pick Most loved Season Essays Ideas Winter: if winter is your preferred season, you may begin your exposition with the short story from your youth when you went to see your grandma and you spent unlimited hours outside playing snowballs. Winter is a most loved season for some individuals as a result of Christmas Summer: if summer is your preferred season, you may expound on the suntan, swimming, lose garments, comfortable evenings, and all others things that make summers paramount. Without a doubt, remember to make reference to that late spring is a period of get-aways and you have a ton of time to go through with your companions Spring: if spring is your preferred season, you may concentrate on the restoration of nature, on the sentimental emotions, and the hour of tests. Spring is a change from winter to summer and it is not, at this point cold but then there is no unendurable warmth. Along these lines, you may expound on the solace of the spring Fall: for the most part, pre-winter is the most loved period of the more established individuals and burdensome ones. Fall is emblematic of the swimming youth and nature. By the by, falls are extremely wonderful in their assortment of hues. On the off chance that you are not a burdensome individual, you have certainly delighted in strolling in the woods in the fall season. Custom Favorite Season Essays In the event that you locate the above tips supportive however need more time or thoughts to compose your preferred season articles, you may unhesitatingly depend on the shoulders of our expert authors. We are prepared to compose a custom most loved season article for you without any preparation and convey it inside the most pressing cutoff times. We don't steal! You may audit free research paper test and article on enthusiasm in our blog to see the nature of our composing help! Peruse too: History Thesis Get Dissertation Help Exposition Thesis Exposition Proposal Exposition Expert
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scramjet Powerplants :: Essays Papers
Scramjet Powerplants Higher, further, quicker, convey more. These have consistently been the objectives of airplane fashioners from the earliest starting point of aeronautics history. Indeed, even today architects and scientists endeavor to manufacture airplane that will be capable perform better. Since the commencement of airplane structure, the fundamental constraining component has been the presentation of intensity plants. This is as yet going on today as we endeavor to construct motors that permit predominant performing airplane. Scramjet motors offer one potential answer for this issue. Before the finish of World War II we had the innovation to fabricate airframes that would fly higher, go further, quicker and convey more, yet there were no force plants accessible to power such airplane. With the presentation of the fly motor airplane stepped forward. Despite the fact that the stream motor offers a large number of preferences over fly motors, there are still constraints. One of these is that stream motors have a constrained working velocity. A velocities a lot higher than Mach 3 the turbine motors, with turning sharp edges and other moving parts can't stand the pressure and weights related with fast flight. Rocket power has been utilized in certain applications. A portion of these incorporate test airplane, for example, the X-15. Rocket power is additionally utilized in shuttle as the fundamental methods for impetus. Rocket controlled airplane must convey a flexibly of hydrogen and oxygen. The prerequisite to convey huge supplies of fuel seriously restricts the payload capacities of the boat. Furthermore it is cost restrictive for most tasks. Business transportation is impossible. Ramjet motors offer a few enhancements, yet are still speed constrained. A ramjet motor works along these lines to a turbine motor, however there are no moving parts. Rather than utilizing a blower segment to deliver high-thickness air, the forward speed of the airplane is utilized to pack the air. The air is then eased back to subsonic speed through a converse venturi. Fuel is touched off and makes push is a style like that of a turbine motor. (Ramjet/Scramjet...) Scramjet is the name given to a supersonic pressure ramjet. It works likewise to a ramjet, anyway the air going through the motor keeps up supersonic speed. The scramjet utilizes hydrogen fuel, much the same as a rocket motor, yet is doesn't require a locally available flexibly of oxygen.
Compare and Contrast Paper Essay Example for Free
Look into Paper Essay I have decided to utilize Story of an Hour, composed by Kate Chopin and The Necklace, composed by Guy de Maupassant for this look into paper. I will likely show similitudes just as contrasts between these two pieces and give examination of the attempts to give a more profound understanding into the subject of this paper. The subject I find comparable in these two pieces is avarice: you ought to be content with what you have. In the two stories you have ladies that are distraught in their circumstances, appearing to consistently be needing for additional. While the accounts are totally different, they do have a comparative message. Dr. Emily Chen, PhD states:†that perusing an abstract book is a piece of a mind boggling process that incorporates joint effort between the essayist, the content, and the peruser. Content is re-made each time another person understands it, and it becomes, simultaneously, progressively more extravagant. Content is an improvement that evokes reactions from us dependent on our past encounters, our past perusing, our considerations, and our sentiments: the content follows up on the peruser and the peruser connects with the text†. (Chen, 2009). Every story, read by every individual will doubtlessly illegal an alternate view dependent on their background, disposition, age and sexual orientation. â€Å"Your condition and individual encounters impact your reaction to stories. Regardless of whether you know about it or not, the focal point through which you imagine a story is sifted by experiences you have picked up from family conventions, strict convictions, and basic life issues. Accordingly, understandings of a story change dependent on the perusers age and broadness of experience. Feelings influence ends drawn from stories. Translations contrast from culture to culture. †(Clugston, 2010). Perusing every one of these accounts presently, influence me uniquely in contrast to in the event that I had perused them ten, fifteen or twenty years prior. The Necklace and Story of an Hour are both short stories set in about a similar timeframe, the late 1800’s, in private living arrangements. The Necklace is a tale about a lady, Madame Loisel that is discontent with her straightforward life as a clerk’s spouse. She is continually staring off into space about the better things throughout everyday life and the wealth that she feels that she is passing up. â€Å"She endured seriously, feeling herself conceived for each delicacy and each extravagance. She experienced the destitution of her abode, from the well used dividers, the scraped seats, the offensiveness of the stuffs. †(de Maupassant, 1884). Madame Loisel’s spouse, with an end goal to attempt to bring her bliss, gets a solicitation to a gathering with the first class townspeople. Still unsettled in light of the fact that she didn't have a proper dress to wear, Madame Loisel’s spouse gives her the cash he was putting something aside for himself so she could go out and buy a dress. And, after its all said and done she is as yet unsettled in light of the fact that she has no adornments to wear with it. She asks her companion Madame Forrester to get her something fitting and winds up acquiring a â€Å"diamond†accessory from her. At last, the jewelry is lost the evening of the amazing party. Madame Loisel and her significant other wind up working themselves to death for the following ten years to take care of the obligation they caused in supplanting the neckband, which wound up being a phony at long last. Their life as they once realized it was finished. Story of an Hour is a short story highlighting Louise Mallard, a troubled housewife with a heart condition. In the story she learns of her husband’s demise and inside minutes goes from sobbing wildly to cheerful and happy. â€Å"She said it again and again softly: free, free, free! The empty gaze and the appearance of fear that had tailed it went from her eyes. †(Chopin, 1884). Mrs. Mallard felt abused in her marriage, that her significant other didn't adore her and found a feeling of opportunity from his passing. â€Å"She realized that she would sob again when she saw the sort, delicate hands collapsed in death; the face that had never looked spare with adoration upon her, fixed and dim and dead. In any case, she saw past that harsh second a long parade of years to come that would have a place with her totally. †(Chopin, 1884). At last, Mr. Mallard didn't go in the mishap and when he got through the entryway and she saw him, Louise passed right at that point. Every story includes a despondent lady as the principle character. Madame Loisel in The Necklace is discontent with her monetary circumstance, continually fantasizing about the better things throughout everyday life. Louise Mallard in Story of an Hour is a troubled housewife with a heart condition, feeling mistreated in her marriage. At long last, the two ladies take care of their needs: Madame Loisel to be well off or seen as affluent pays by yielding her life to work twice as difficult to reimburse an obligation. Louise Mallard needing her opportunity at long last gets it when she hears her better half has been murdered in a mishap, just to lose it with her demise as he really strolls in the entryway. Hinting is utilized in both these accounts also. Portending is depicted in our course reading as:†A method an essayist uses to indicate or recommend what the result of a significant clash or circumstance in an account will be†(Clugston, 2010). Foretelling gives us a few hints with respect to a portion of the occasions that will may potentially unfurl in the accounts. In The Necklace, the line It was not I, madam, who sold this jewelry. I just provided the case. (de Maupassant, 1884) gives a little insight that the neckband may not in reality have been authentic jewels. In Story of an Hour, the basic certainty that the initial line expressed Louise Mallard had a heart condition I feel, give some insight immediately with regards to the reality she would kick the bucket in the story. The line â€Å"someone was opening the front entryway with a latchkey. †(Chopin, 1894), likewise provides some insight that she could be sufficiently astonished to have her heart come up short. â€Å"There was something going to her and she was hanging tight for it, dreadfully. What right? She didn't have any acquaintance with; it was excessively inconspicuous and slippery to name. Be that as it may, she felt it, crawling out of the sky, coming to toward her through the sounds, the fragrances, and the shading that filled the air. †(Chopin, 1894). This line, I feel, shows that Loise may even have felt her looming demise. Potentially the reference in the line â€Å"But she felt it, crawling out of the sky, coming to toward her through the sounds, the fragrances, the shading that filled the air. †(Chopin, 1894), could be a reference as to Jesus coming to take her to paradise. Incongruity happens in both of these accounts also. Incongruity is characterized in out reading material as: â€Å"A error or inconsistency happens between what is required to occur and what really occurs in a (circumstance incongruity) or in a communicated proclamation (verbal incongruity). †(Clugston, 2010). Incongruity is appeared in The Necklace when Madame Loisel runs into Madame Forrester in the city. Her companion didn't perceive her since she had matured such a great amount from all the additional work she needed to do to pay her obligation. They have a discussion about the jewelry and how she had lost it and supplanted it, I brought you back another simply like it. What's more, presently for a long time we have been paying for it. You will comprehend that it was difficult for us, who had nothing. Finally, it is done, and I am forceful happy. (de Maupassant, 1884) and Madame Forrester answers Oh, my poor Mathilde. Be that as it may, mine were bogus. At most they were worth 500 francs! (de Maupassant, 1884). Madame Loisel had the specific inverse of the existence she had fantasized about. Incongruity is appeared in Story of an Hour by the way that Louise was so happy at the idea of her recently discovered opportunity that he began picturing her future alone and thought â€Å"It was just yesterday she had however with a shiver that life may be long. †Little did she realize her life would wind up shorter than she could envision. Both of these accounts speak to death in the manner that Madame Loisel and her husband’s life as they was already aware it passed on the night the accessory was lost. Louise Mallard basically kicked the bucket, I feel, from seeing her opportunity being removed by her better half despite everything being alive: her heart just couldn't take it. She not just lost the opportunity she so yearned for when her significant other strolled through the entryway, passing made it unimaginable for her to ever have that opportunity. These accounts hold contrasts also. The Necklace is set in Paris and ranges years while the Story of an Hour doesn't give a precise spot yet is probably set close to where the creator lived in St. Louis, Missouri and just means one hour of time. In The Necklace, Madame Loisel’s spouse is continually attempting to fulfill her, first by bringing her a greeting: But, my dear, I figured you would be satisfied. You never go out, and heres a possibility, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everyone is after them; they are incredibly looked for and relatively few are given to the agents. You will see there all the official world. (de Maupassant, 1884) and giving her cash to purchase a dress. Despite the fact that Madame Loisel is discontent with her money related circumstance, it is never suggested that she is discontent with her better half. In Story of an Hour notwithstanding, it is suggested that Louise Mallard is despondent in her marriage and she didn't feel adored by her better half, â€Å"the face that had never looked spare with affection upon her†. (Chopin, 1894) nor did she love him, â€Å"And yet she had cherished himâ€sometimes. Frequently she had not. What did it make a difference! †(Chopin, 1894). I feel that the main time Louise Mallard is genuinely glad is the point at which she thinks she at last has the opportunity to do anything she desires. Every one of these accounts has ladies spoken to in various manners, in all probability since they were composed by various gendered creators. Story of an Hour was composed from a female perspective and The Necklace was composed from a male perspective. The time span in which these accounts were composed is a noteworthy factor in the style they were composed. The late 1800’s wa
Friday, August 21, 2020
Classroom Management Essay Example for Free
Study hall Management Essay Study hall the board and order are two significant structure hinders in a fruitful study hall. Setting rules and desires for understudies has numerous positive advantages. Not exclusively will understudies feel increasingly great in a steady all around oversaw homeroom, they will likewise learn more in light of the fact that there will be less interruptions. Understudies in a homeroom that are very much overseen will likewise hold the data for longer timeframes as opposed to only for the second to make a passing mark. Instructors need more than anything for their understudies to learn fundamental abilities that they can continue with them into what's to come. Educators need their study halls to be a spot that understudies anticipate going to learn and have a sense of security and loose. In any study hall educators need there to be common regard among instructor and understudies. In a study hall everything is to be sorted out and in its place, this will make it simple to proceed onward starting with one subject or action then onto the next without interruptions. Bright study halls will make a fun and welcoming condition for a wide range of understudies. Instructors ought not have any desire to have flat study halls that carry the state of mind down with nothing fun or glad to take a gander at. A study hall where understudies go out of control and do anything they desire won't work for instructors or understudies. Many time school isn't paid attention to as it ought to be particularly in more youthful evaluation levels, these are the years that structure the brains of youngsters, and their encounters in the study hall will have an impact of how they structure into youthful grown-ups. Most accept that all understudies have the need to learn. Fourth grade is about the time that understudies begin giving more consideration to their companions and environmental factors. All understudies need to feel that they have a place and be in a situation that they feel great in. Along these lines as an educators they must ensure that consideration is paid to what the understudies are telling instructors regardless of whether they are not saying it for all to hear, and furthermore to ensure that they are assisted with learning what is written in the books, yet additionally help them to find out about themselves. Area 2: Positive Climate A study hall is where instructors need understudies to love to be. First and in particular all study halls will have a lot of decides and desires that will be trailed by educators just as understudies. In the event that instructors don't set a genuine model in their homerooms, rules set for understudies won't be effective. The work areas ought to be arranged in immaculate lines making it simple to explore around them, and give the understudies a lot of individual space. All the shades of the rainbow in a study hall make it a glad splendid spot. There will be banners on the dividers with fun realities for understudies to peruse, alongside homeroom rules and desires. A segment loaded with cushions for understudies to unwind and peruse, alongside an area for games and gathering exercises are sure spaces to have in a homeroom. An extraordinary study hall will permit understudies to investigate and learn all alone too. As understudies are invited into the study hall, they will be met at the entryway with a glad grinning face and an energized inspirational disposition. The understudies will be permitted to discover their work areas, which will have their names on them, which will in that occasion give them a feeling of having a place. There will be games played on the primary day to help the disposition and assist everybody with becoming more acquainted with each other. Segment 3: Rules, Consequences, and Procedures. The standards that will be built up in a homeroom ought not be enormous in number. They will be decides that will keep the study hall running easily and keep understudies glad and regarding the educator just as their friends. With a strong straightforward arrangement of rules an educator ought to anticipate that there will be a positive result. Beginning with the main day of class rules and outcomes will be set up with all understudies. This data will be posted on the divider so understudies can generally observe the guidelines to be helped to remember what is anticipated from them. These standards and outcomes are not to be utilized to make understudies apprehensive or awkward, it’s so they will be appeared and clarified in a positive manner, possibly by playing a game to help the way that there are decides that must be followed consistently. Rules: 1. Demonstrate regard to yourself just as others 2. Hush up about hands and feet 3. Focus and follow headings 4. Lift your hand before talking in class and utilize your indoor voice 5. Be set up to learn Consequences There is an outcome to students’ activities whether it be a positive or negative one. Consistently there will be another outline made by the understudies with their names and five spaces for every day of the week, by permitting the understudies to make the graphs themselves it gives them an approach to communicate and people. During the week their practices will be checked and they will get red spots for good and blue specks for terrible conduct, toward the week's end the individual with the most red dabs will get an uncommon treat. The various understudies who have red spots will make some down memories to peruse or mess around. Understudies with blue dabs should sit at their work areas and go over the exercise or read quietly, and not visit with their friends. In the event that conduct is terrible consistently and is turning into a propensity the understudy will be approached and conversed with. Not in a negative manner however in an approach to attempt to make sense of what the instructor and understudy can do as a group to improve the circumstance. Try to inquire as to whether they may have an answer for the current issue. Strategies: 1. Bathroom †ask, take restroom pass, wash hands before coming back to class. 2. Posing inquiries †lift hand and stand by to be called upon 3. Turning in work †when work is finished discreetly stroll to the front of the room and put task in right canister. 4. Requiring help †place the red shakers on the highest point of your work area and instructor will come to help with questions. 5. Changing exercises †supplant all materials being utilized, move back to work area and prepare materials for next task. Segment 4: Specific Discipline Procedures or Measures Preventing terrible conduct in the study hall may appear to be unthinkable, yet truth be told it might be achievable. In the event that instructors keep an all around oversaw homeroom and their practices shadow the desires that are given to the understudies, great conduct will be the result. By having all principles and desires in a region where all understudies can see them, they will be helped to remember them and be bound to tail them. By having ramifications for good and terrible conduct this will assist understudies with practicing great conduct since they will definitely know the result of their activities. All work areas will confront the educators work area with the goal that they can see the instructor consistently. Keeping them in straight columns will likewise help understudies in keeping their hands and feet to themselves since they will all have satisfactory room. The white load up where assignments are composed, and the load up with their conduct graphs will be at the front of the class too so they may see them consistently moreover. To help understudies who get into mischief the educator should take the opportunity to address the understudy in a one on one setting, allowing the understudy to account for themselves, and perhaps express why they are acting the manner in which they are, and what steps they figure they may need to take to fix the current issue. Instructors ought not go about as though they realize what the issue is and how it ought to be fixed without allowing the understudy to talk too. Great practices ought to be recognized also, don't just concentrate on the terrible. In the wake of talking with the understudy find a way to help with conduct by asking the understudy how they are getting along and if there is much else you can do to help. On the off chance that conduct keeps on being awful, perhaps making a stride for after school one on one time ought to be utilized to additionally get to the issue. On the off chance that an understudy damages educational committee arrangement, state guidelines, or criminal laws ventures outside of study hall control should be kicked off. On the off chance that an understudy ever disrupts any of these norms, school authorities just as the understudies guardians will be called and moves will at that point be made to fix the circumstances. Segment 5: Approach to Discipline Personally I lean toward Ginotts’ way to deal with discipline. I like the way that he figures the understudy ought to get the opportunity to communicate their supposition in the circumstance. By the instructor demonstrating regard for the understudy and their contemplations I figure this would be an excellent methodology since you gain the regard and trust from the understudy by indicating them the equivalent. There are times that I realize that I am right in a given circumstance, yet I don't prefer to go about as though I know it all; I like to allow the other individual to present their defense and clarify why they feel the manner in which they do. As I individual I don't prefer to cause individuals to feel silly so I regard each sentiment and give mine in a decent aware manner. That is the reason I feel that Ginott’s style accommodates my character.
How to Write an Essay About a Quote
How to Write an Essay About a QuoteIn this article, I will explain how to write an essay about a quote. The quote should be clearly defined and should stand on its own as a representative of your feelings and opinion. A lot of students take the quote as a whole piece of literature which needs to be carefully discussed, while in fact the quote is a part of the essay. This article will not focus on writing about yourself but it can be used to establish who you are and what you are supposed to be doing for the essay.One way to start a how to write an essay about a quote is to introduce the essay by first giving a summary of the quote. Many times the quote does not need to be written in full. A small portion should be given to the quote's most significant points. These may include the main message or the thesis of the quote.The next part of how to write an essay about a quote would be to explain why the quote matters to the essay. The quote should have some meaning which relates to the e ssay. If the quote just serves as a fact without any worth or value, it is not necessary to include it in the essay. There may be some other aspects which relate to the quote but which do not directly lead to the topic. The writer should write on those as well and then tie the two together.It would also be good to first set up a relationship between the quote and the important point in the essay. The quote may just be a minor reference or connection. It is usually best to make this connection immediately. The reader should have some sense of how important the relationship between the quote and the topic is before they are introduced to the quote.This is also important in how to write an essay about a quote. The quote should connect the whole essay with some level of sincerity. The essay should come across as a work of art from a person of talent. For that reason, the quote should never be treated as mere factual fact.Once the relationship is established, the writer can begin to get into a close study of the subject matter and its significance. A typical style would be to talk about the quote in a relaxed way which states that the quote is obviously true. But the quote is not a proven fact.It can be useful at this point to ask yourself a question like this. Why is it important to get into a close study of the quote? The quote should be telling us something about the nature of the issue. In addition, it should tell us something about the essay topic or argument.In this how to write an essay about a quote, we will go over the most common problems in regards to writing about quotes. We will also discuss what to do to avoid them. We will also discuss the proper ways to build a relationship between the quote and the main concept.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Accounting in Government and Non-Profit Organizations - 2200 Words
Financial Accounting in Government and Non-Profit Organizations (Research Paper Sample) Content: Financial Statement AnalysisBy:Grant OsborneTo: Melissa Shirah, CPAACCT421: Financial Accounting in Government and Non-Profit OrganizationsNovember 29, 2014City of Escondido, Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012City of San Marcos, Fiscal Year 2013 [Comparable entity]Description of services and activities provided by City of EscondidoThe city of Escondido provides many services for its residents. According to pages 8 to 9 of Escondidos CAFR for 2013, these services include street and park maintenance, police, fire protection, refuse collection, water utilities, wastewater management, inspection of buildings, planning, zoning, recreational programs, senior centers, libraries and public facility capital improvement constructions. Along with these items, the city also provides community services, information systems, human resources and finance services from its operating departments.Description of the industry environment of EscondidoBased on the Principal Employers section on pag e 175 of Escondidos CAFR for 2013, it appears that the city is primarily focused on services with the Palomar Medical Center, which takes up around 4% of total employment within the city followed by the Escondido Union School District with 2.55%. Escondido itself has municipal employees that comprise 1.48% of the total employment within the city. Other principal employers include Welk Group Inc., Escondido Union High School District, Home Depot, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Nordstrom Inc. and Vons Grocery Stores. Escondido is experiencing high rates of unemployment, around 9.3% as of 2012 according to the Demographic and Economic statistics section on page 174. Furthermore, the per capita income for the same year is around $20,836 for 2012. Compared to 2003, which was $31,600 and 5.2% respectively, this is a sign of weak economic health for the city. Based on this analysis, the high rates of unemployment would have a detrimental impact on the citys ability to generate income taxes f rom its inhabitants.Financial Analysis over a Two year PeriodOverall, it seems that the city of Escondido is not doing well in terms of financial health, based on selected ratios. Due to the severe decline in Escondido's Fund balance ratio, from 0.564 in 2012 to 0.273 in 2013, the city is half as able to withstand any decreases in revenues and fiscal emergencies as it could have in the previous year. The current liabilities to the operating revenues ratio is very high, even though it has decreased from the previous year. The recommended amount has to be less than 5%. However, for 2013, Escondido has 19.9% fortheir current liabilities to operating revenues ratio. This indicates that the city would have trouble in paying its debts off, even though this is just comparing current liabilities to operating revenues rather than considering revenues from other sources such as taxes.However, what this does indicate is that the city would possibly rely more on other areas of revenues than ope rating revenues to pay off their overall liabilities, even though they have enough to cover them. Also, there is a lot of debt outstanding for the government as a whole which indicates that the governmental entity does not substantially own itself in a fiscal manner. This is apparent due to the fact that, in 2013,net bonds comprise about 137 of the 276 million dollars in total liabilities. Because of this, the citys debt to assets ratio for both 2012 and 2013 was around 0.34.There are some redeeming qualities about Escondidos financials however. First, due to the increase in the revenues per capita, $526.16 in 2013 versus $470.65 in 2012, the government would be able to continue current service levels without trying to obtain new revenue sources, such as increasing the tax rate. The government seems like it can handle its own when it comes to its ability to pay its short- term obligations as they become due. While the current ratio has decreased by 10% from 2012 to 2013, the ratio is still incredibly high at around 17.6 in 2013. This means that the government's current assets are at least 17 times that of its current liabilities, making it more than able to pay off its short-term obligations which is seemingly contrary to its operating revenues ratio. However, this is just for its current liabilities, not long term debt such as its bonds which were an entirely different case. The BTA self-sufficiency ratios for 2013 and 2012 are both more than 1.00, 1.035 for 2013 and 1.019 for 2012. This means that the business-type activities run by the city of Escondido are self-sufficient and do not require any other payments from the city, such as taxes and the like that are not related to the business-type activities themselves.Other financial ratios of note are the employees per capita and property taxes per capita. There is barely a change in the number of (municipal) employees per capita, 0.0075 for 2013 and 0.0074 for 2012. Also, for Escondido's CAFR for 2013 and 2 012, there is no distinction between part-time and full-time employees. Finally, there are no personnel costs displayed anywhere in Escondido's CAFR for 2013 or 2012. However, based on page 176 of Escondido's CAFR for 2013, the total number of municipal employees have largely remained stable for the past ten years, only spiking in 2006 to 2008, so it seems that these employees are reasonable in number considering this factor. Based on Escondidos property taxes per capita for 2013, taxpayers are burdened with $70.32 in property taxes, up from $68.12 for the previous year. However, the population between these two years barely changed as it increased by 150 from 2012 to 2013, reaching a current total of 146,057. This means that the property tax rate, or other factors, primarily caused the increase.Based on my analysis of the city of Escondidos financial statements using the selected ratios, it appears that the city is in weak financial health. This is largely due to the significant de cline in the citys fund balance which, as mentioned before, hinders its ability to deal with decreases in revenue or fiscal emergencies. Whats more is that the current liabilities to operating revenue ratio is around four times greater than the 5% ideal ratio.Also, the city has a very high amount of total liabilities, which account for around 34% of its total assets and a significant portion of these liabilities are comprised of net bonds. These factors, even when considering Escondidos high unemployment rate and low personal income per capita, are signs of weak financial health. The fact that the city seems to be taking in a lot of bonds when its own economy doesnt appear to be strong enough to withstand the burden does not appear to be a fiscally sound move based on the selected ratios and the analysis derived from them.Financial comparison to a similar entity for a one year periodSan Marcos is a city to the west of Escondido that contains a population of around 87,000 and it offe rs, more or less, the same services as Escondido. This includes police, fire departments, community services, public works and others. Like Escondido, San Marcos economic environment seems to be service-based with top employers such as United Parcel Service, Wal-Mart store, Inc., Frys Electronics and others. Of note is Hunter Industries Inc. which has around 2.45% of total employment as of 2013, or 725 total employees. Also, San Marcos has a higher per capita personal income in comparison to Escondido. San Marcos has $49,719 as of 2012 while Escondido has $20,836 in the same year. Also, San Marcos has an unemployment rate of 7.35% in the same year while Escondido has 9.3%. Another notable difference is that San Marcos has only one business type activity, the Creekside Marketplace, while Escondido has at least two which is its water and wastewater services. These factors are taken into consideration for the financial ratio comparison of these two cities.Escondido takes in far more re venues per capita compared to San Marcos, $526.16 versus $47.15. This is due primarily to the fact that Escondido has far more business-type activities than San Marcos. Escondido has around $76.8 million while San Marcos has only $4.1 million. Escondido also has more employees per capita compared to San Marcos, 0.0075 versus 0.0045. This is probably expected as Escondido has more business-type activities than San Marcos. San Marcos has a far higher general fund balances ratio compared to Escondido, 34.59 to 0.27, which means that San Marcos' government can easily withstand financial emergencies that would appear trivial to it while being catastrophic for Escondido. Since San Marcos has very little operating revenues from its business type activities, its current liability ratio is extremely high compared to Escondido, 310% to 19.9%. However, what is even more apparent is that San Marcos's current liabilities account for nearly half of the city's total liabilities, around $12.7 milli on out of $23.2 million, indicating that San Marcos has far less long term debt relative to Escondido. On the other hand, the ideal current liabilities to operating revenues ratio should be 5% and neither one of these cities have achieved that ideal benchmark. Since San Marcos' total liabilities are extremely small compared to Escondido's, and that San Marcos' total assets are also greater, the city's Debt-to-assets ratio is only a fraction of Escondido's. San Marcos has a debt-to-assets ratio of 0.024 versus Escondido's 0.343, indicating that San Marcos' assets are primarily funded by sources other than debt. Like Escondido, San Marcos is more than able to pay off its short-term obligations as they become due, though San Marcos is slightly better with a ratio of 20.8 versus Escondido's 17.6. In spite of the fact that San Marcos draws in very little operating revenue...
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Effects Of Substance Abuse On Children - 1443 Words
substance it can lead to impairment or distress in many different ways such as, â€Å"recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home, recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous, recurrent substance-related legal problems, continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance†(Susic, 2007). According to the Foster Care Club, there are precisely 415,129 children who are in the foster care system. Since there are so many children in the system, it is hard to diagnose every child who is abusing substances. When a foster parent brings a child into their home, it is hard to tell that they are abusing substances because the family may think they are just trying to adapt to their new environment. The family might also think that the child is acting out because they do not want to be in the system and just want to be with their actual parents. Youth who are in a foster care system and abuse substances have a difficult time finding treatments or programs. There have been many suggestions on how to lead teens to find the help that one needs. The first way is to understand shifting family dynamics. A youth who goes into a foster care system experiences many emotions because their whole world changes. The youth begins to have a lot of confusions over why they got taken away from their parents; this makesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Substance Abuse On Children1364 Words  | 6 Pagesare 50% more likely to abuse substances (Promises Treatment Center). Bullying is the act of physical or verbal tormenting over a set amount of time, usually targeted at one person or a group of people. Bullying is an international issue that ruins the victim s emotional well-being. Those who are victims of bullying can turn to drugs or other substances as a form of coping; people who bully can be show n to have abusive tendencies with these substances as well. Substance abuse is defined as being dependentRead MoreThe Effects Of Substance Abuse On Children1628 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction to Family Issue Substance abuse has been a big problem not only in our society but also to the families affected by it. According to Crosson-Tower â€Å"Over 13 million children live with a parent who has used illicit and addictive drugs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Crosson-Tower, 2004, pp. 97-98). Children are like sponges they learn and copy what they see and experience. According to Bernard, et al â€Å"Through our primary caregivers we learn to understand and make sense of the world†(Bernard, et al., 2006, p. 80)Read MoreThe Effects Of Substance Abuse On Children751 Words  | 4 Pages Partner. A study as cited in Fleming, White, and Catalano, (2010) found that couples who were dating or co-habitating but not married tended to have heavier levels of substance abuse than those that were married. Yolanda talked about how whenever she was in a relationship the main activity it centered around was using substances, and because of this she feels she has never had a truly healthy relationship. At the present time, she is single and feels that she does not have the time or energy toRead MoreThe Effects Of Parental Substance Abuse On Children Essay1573 Words  | 7 PagesGrowing up in the household under substances influence can cause severe damage to the child. Parental substance abuse has a significant impact on family function, and it may also contribute to child maltreatment. It heightens the risks to both of the physical and emotional safety of the children, and it generates children’s problematic outcomes. 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That’s about seven hundred eighty times the amount it cost to diagnose and treat sexually transmitted diseases in the year 2000 (Chesson). The sole purpose of this is not to persuade you one way or the other on this topic. Nor is the purpose to apologize for this social issueRead MoreAdhd and Substance Abuse1392 Words  | 6 PagesADHD and Substance Abuse                                                 The Evidence Of Substance Abuse With ADHD              The purpose of this paper is to identify the link between ADHD and substance abuse. Substance abuse is a true threat to people who are diagnosed with psychological disorders. Among the questions of precursors to substance abuse, lies the hypothesis that individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit HyperactivityRead MoreThe Abuse Of Drugs And Alcohol1365 Words  | 6 PagesThe abuse of drugs and alcohol has been a known issue over past decades. The media paints the picture that alcohol and drug use is fun and the only way to have a good time. While alcohol in moderation is fine, many people find themselves going over board and abusing it. Elicit drugs like cocaine and heroin are highly addictive and have several adverse effects. People find themselves depressed and anxious so they ultimately try to use these drugs to mask the pain instead of getting help for theirRead MoreEssay on Effects of Parental Drug Abuse on Childr en1750 Words  | 7 PagesHeather Swenson Mandy Jesser English Composition I 1 May 2013 Effects of Parental Drug Abuse on Their Children As soon as birth, children are exposed to new things; new life experiences that will develop the path of which direction their life will take. Adolescence is the most important time in a child’s life because it is where they learn appropriate behavior from their family and the outside world. Some children are able to use these experiences to differentiate at an early age what is
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